Global Logistics
Buying an aircraft is only half the battle.
With limited flight range and logistical issues around fuel supply, ferry permits and COVID 19 restrictions, international ferry flight operations are difficult.
Not impossible… just challenging.
If we can’t fly your aircraft home, we have facilities and contacts through-out the world to ensure your aircraft doesn't end up damaged or detained by customs.
From selecting the best freight system, hiring the best engineering and managing the myriad of customs clearances necessary to return your aircraft to service - we are here to facility your flying.
Demand expert knowledge.
After hundreds of successful deliveries by air and sea since 2006, Volation has been internationally accredited with Crombie Lockwood (underwriten with Lloyds of London) to manage the dismantling, packing, lashing and international ocean freight shipping for all Helicopter and Fixed Wing Aircraft.
Pre-purchase Appraisal.
Our transaction process demands that you recieve an independent and expert appraisal of your aircraft mechanical condition and historical records. If you don’t know someone, we will appoint a trusted advisor.
Where possible Volations own pilots will test fly your aircraft to ascertain power margins, performance and apply our special industry based audit of the aircraft to your benefit.
Our selection of appraising engineers are the best in the industry.
“Their idea we shift to buying an AS350 was a radical suggestion. Now four years later it still feels like we won the lottery. Best decision ever”
- Western Helicopters

Need help with choosing the right aircraft?
Aviations Truisms: Nothing flys without paperwork. Pay now or pay later. A fool and his money are soon flying more airplane than he can handle…